Canarium tree from the Philippines allocates resin from which a rare Elemi
essential oil is obtained. The oil has a citrusy, slightly spicy flavor. Gives a sense of peace and can be used as a sedative. Stimulating the immune system, Elemi oil has bracing effect. It can be recommended for use in the initial stages of developing the disease as a means of mobilizing the vital forces.
Aromatherapy - 1 drop
Bath - 1-2 drops
Massage - 2-3 drops
Aromatization of cosmetics - 1-4 drops on a bottle
Precautionary measures
Individual sensitivity. Avoid contact with sensitive skin irritation glaza.Vozmozhno. During pregnancy, use with extreme caution.
Manufacturer: BOTANIKA, Russia
Net weight: 5 ml, 10ml
+371 286-688-54 SIA ELFARM HERBALSHOP LV40003936046 Банковские реквизиты: AS Swedbank HABALV22 KONTS: LV66HABA0551017184222 |
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