Boswell tree grows in Iran and Lebanon. The essential oil of olibanum is produced by steam distillation of the tree resin.
Olibanum - perhaps one of the most important ritual flavors. It was offered to Jesus by the wise men, and it's mentioned in the Bible 22 times. It is also associated with the Sun God Ra in Egypt and Apollo in Greece. Deep use of this essential oil concentrates and increases awareness of the transcendent understanding of recognized spiritual traditions around the world.
Olibanum essential oil has the ability to calm and focus the mind, stop the mental chatter, agitation and anxiety. Olibanum helps in meditation and gives an insight look of the essence of things.
A positive effect on breath: clears the lungs, reduces breathlessness, relieves asthma patients. Helps to treat common cold, cough calms, soothes manifestations of bronchitis and laryngitis.
Splendid tonic for the skin. Rejuvenates aging skin, wrinkles. Thanks to the astringent properties it's useful for oily skin. Olibanum oil is proven to be effective in the treatment of wounds, sores, ulcers, carbuncles and skin inflammation.
Aromatherapy - 1 drop
Bath - 1-2 drops
Massage - 2-3 drops
Aromatization of cosmetics - 1-4 drops on a bottle
Precautionary measures
Check on individual sensitivity. Avoid contact with eyes. Possible irritation to sensitive skin. During pregnancy, use with extreme caution.
Manufacturer: BOTANIKA, Russia
Net weight: 1.5 ml, 10ml
+371 286-688-54 SIA ELFARM HERBALSHOP LV40003936046 Банковские реквизиты: AS Swedbank HABALV22 KONTS: LV66HABA0551017184222 |
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