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Smells of Health Inhaler

Smells of Health Inhaler аor hot and cold inhalations with essential oils

Manufacturer: DYNAMICS, Russia

Inhalation - breathing of decoctions vapors or aromatic mixtures. An excellent prevention of respiratory diseases such as laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis and bronchitis and bronchial asthma. Moisturizes the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, activates the bronchi, liquefies viscous mucus, facilitates expectoration and soothes dry cough, reduces the sensation of dryness in the throat. Aromatherapy improves emotional state, relieves stress and tension.

The unique design of this inhaler allows  of several aromatherapy with oils at the same time. There are both cold and hot inhalation.

Cold inhalation - the inhalation with aromas of essential oil of room temperature.

The use of an inhaler: In cell of inhaler pour 2-3 ml of drinking water of room temperature (about half of the cells). Then drip 1-2 drops of the chosen essential oil. For example: you can instill 1 drop of peppermint oil, 1 drop of oil of sage, 1 drop of cedar oil.

Close inhaler cap with a mask. Set the inhaler on a table or stand. Tilt your head, gently push the face to mask inhaler, close your eyes. During inhalation make smooth, slow, calm breaths through the nose. After inhalation, pause (stop)the breath, and then - quiet exhalation through the nose into the inhaler.

Duration of aromatic cold inhalation - 10-15 minutes. With good tolerability of cold inhalations, you can  gradually increase to 3-5 drops of each oil. Inhalations may be carried out two times per day, preferably in 2-3 hours after a meal. After inhalation, it is advisable not to leave the house for 30-40 minutes, and during the cold season - 1-1.5 hours.

Hot Inhalation - the inhalation of essential oils with water vapor.

The use of an inhaler: pour into a container of the inhaler 250-300 ml of hot water (80 ° -90 ° C). In cell of inhaler pour 2-3 ml of hot (60 ° - 80 °) drinking water (approximately half of the cell). Then drip 1-2 drops of the chosen essential oil or freshly prepared extracts of herbs. For example: you can instill 1 drop of eucalyptus oil, 1 drop of peppermint oil, 1 drop of oil of juniper.

Close inhaler cap with a mask. Set the inhaler on a table or stand. Tilt your head slightly to the face mask inhaler, close your eyes and mouth slightly open. During hot inhalation make smooth, slow, calm breaths through the nose and mouth half open.

After inhalation - close your mouth, pause (stop) breathing, and then - quiet exhalation through the nose into the inhaler.

Duration of aromatic inhalation (hot) - 8-10 minutes. With good endurance of hot inhalations you can increase to 2-3 drops of each oil.

Inhalations may be carried out two times per day, preferably in 2-3 hours after a meal. After inhalation, it is advisable not to leave the house for 30-40 minutes, and during the cold season - 1-1.5 hours.


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