Used part: Rhizome
Tissue: plasma, blood, muscle, bone marrow, neural tissue
Systems: digestive, circulatory, female reproductive
Action: stimulant, carminative, astringent, improves metabolism, antispasmodic, antihelminthic
Musta - Indian species of earth almond, it grows in many wetlands or on the bottom of rivers.
This is one of the most important plants for the treatment of gynecological disorders, as it helps in menstrual cramps, eliminates premenstrual blood stasis and fluid accumulation.
This is one of the most powerful herbs for regulating menses.
Musta - effective stimulant of digestion for Pitta constitution, as well as for liver. Improves absorption in the intestine and thus stops diarrhea, while contributing to the destruction of intestinal parasites. These properties can be used for candidiasis and yeast infections of the gastrointestinal tract.
Used in chronic fevers and to improve digestion, for example, for gastritis illness.
Cautions: constipation, high Vata
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