Used Part: Flower (stigmas)
Tissues: affects all tissue components, but particularly the blood
Systems: circulatory, digestive, female reproductive, nervous
Action: improves metabolism, emmenagogue, rejuvenating, stimulating, carminative, antispasmodic
Saffron - strong, but expensive means for renewing the blood and circulatory system, as well as female genitalia and it generally improves metabolism.
This is one of the best plants, reducing Pitta, regulating function of the spleen and liver. Saffron is considered the best stimulant, especially for women.
Without being tonic itself, it nevertheless, even in small amounts significantly enhances the effects of other tonic herbs and promotes tissue growth of the entire organism. It can be added to milk or other tonic herbs to enhance their actions, as well as used as a spice for improving nutrition of deep-tissues.
Its nature is sattvic and gives the energy of love, devotion and compassion.
Cautions: Pregnancy
It is part of:
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