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Jaitun (Olive)

Jaitun (Olea europaea, olives)

Used Part: Fruit Oil

Tissues: skin

Systems: the nervous, digestive

Action: nourishing, softening, soothing, antibacterial

Olive oil - the best friend of our digestive system. It improves the function of the stomach, intestines, pancreas and liver, promotes healing of ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. The oil has a mild laxative effect, and also recommended in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

In addition, it has a choleretic effect, so its regular use can facilitate life in cholelithiasis or remote gallbladder.

Since ancient times, it is known that the constant use of olive oil prevents aging of the organism. Due to the content of vitamin E and antioxidants, it really hinders wilt cells. For these properties it is particularly suitable for children and the elderly, as well as the ladies who want to prolong their youth.

Olive oil will bring a lot of benefits. It is excellent for dry and sensitive skin, softening it and preventing the loss of cell moisture. The oil also has a rejuvenating effect, smooths wrinkles and prevents their appearance. It is useful to regularly rub oil into the skin of the body. This helps to preserve youth and elasticity of the skin and  to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy.

Olive oil has anti-cancer properties due to high content of natural antioxidants.

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