Used Part: Fruit
Tissues: affects all tissue components
Systems: digestive, excretory, nervous, respiratory
Action: anti-aging, tonic, astringent, laxative, strengthens the nerves, expectorant, antihelminthic
Haritaki has a very astringent and unpleasant taste, but still it is one of the most important plants of Ayurveda, if not the most important. Has a rejuvenating effect on the Vata, regulates Kapha and excites Pitta only in excess.
Feeds the brain, regulates bowel function and, depending on dose, eliminates both constipation and diarrhea. Improves digestion and assimilation of food, the voice and vision, promotes longevity. Increases intelligence and gives wisdom.
Cautions: pregnancy, dehydration, severe depletion or exhaustion, very high Pitta
It is part of:
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