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Guggul (Commiphora mukul, Guggul, Myrrh)

Used Part: resin (Myrrh)

Tissues: affects all tissue components

Systems: the nervous, circulatory, respiratory, digestive

Action: rejuvenating, stimulating, improves metabolism, strengthens the nerves, antispasmodic, analgesic, expectorant, astringent, antiseptic

Guggul resin - the most important of resins in Ayurvedic medicine. It has strong purifying and rejuvenating properties.

Guggul - a rejuvenating agent for Vata, Kapha and  slightly excites Pitta (after prolonged use).

Guggul increases the number of white blood cells, disinfects secrets, including mucus, sweat and urine.

It improves appetite, clears the lungs, promotes healing of skin and mucous membranes, though more suitable for chronic rather than acute.

Guggul helps to regulate menstruation. Due to acking of nutritional properties, it nevertheless activates the tissue repair process, especially nervous, it reduces the fat content, toxins, necrotic tissue, promotes resorption of tumors.

The best medicine for arthritis. Guggul resin prepared a whole group of means called "guggul", which consist mainly of the resin with small additions of other herbs that are used for the control of its therapeutic effect.

Cautions: acute kidney infections, acute stages of skin diseases

It is part of:

Guggul Capsules,


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