Used Part: fruit, germ oil
Systems: the nervous, digestive, circulatory
Action: emollient, nourishing, anti-aging, moisturizing, stimulating
Indications: dry skin, seborrhea, "black spots" on the face
Godhuma - a good source of mineral nutrients. Contains a significant amount of iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper and zinc. It is also a rich source of vitamin E, which helps to moisturize and nourish the skin. Oil is used to soften the lips and protects the skin from free radicals, prevents premature aging and reduces the negative impact of harmful UV rays.
+371 286-688-54 SIA ELFARM HERBALSHOP LV40003936046 Банковские реквизиты: AS Swedbank HABALV22 KONTS: LV66HABA0551017184222 |
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