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Ela (Cardamom)

Ela (Elettaria cardamomum, Cardamom)

Used Part: Seeds

Tissues: plasma, blood, bone marrow, neural tissue

Systems: digestive, respiratory, circulatory, nervous

Action: stimulant, expectorant, carminative, stomachic, sudorific

Indications: colds, coughs, bronchitis, asthma, hoarseness, loss of taste, poor digestion, indigestion.

Ela is one of the best and safest stimulant of the digestive system.

It awakens the spleen, removes Kapha from the stomach and lungs. Stimulates the mind and the heart, gives a sense of clarity and joy. Helps to stop vomiting, regurgitation of acidic and it eliminates belching.

Caution: ulcers, high Pitta

It is a part of:


Yogi Tea Classic,

Yogi tea Licorice,

Yogi tea Ginko

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AS Swedbank HABALV22
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Organic India
Himalaya Drug
Planet Ayurveda
Indian Henna
Herbals Diet
Natura House
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