Used Part: fruit, root, leaves, leaf juice
Systems: digestive
Actions: antiviral, anthelmintic, astringent, carminative.
In India, this small thorny tree is considered sacred. Root of Bilva balances Vata, juice of the leaves helps to cope with diabetes, as well as relieves fever and chills.
Fruit - one of the few that are used in Ayurveda in an unripe form - hot, oily, strong, it stimulates digestion and balances Vata and Pitta. Promotes healing of ulcers in the intestinal walls.
Possesses antiviral, anthelmintic and anti-inflammatory properties, and exhibits significant activity against Vibrio cholerae and Salmonella. For the treatment of deafness it is reccomended to apply ear drops of oil Bilva.
Cautions: ripe fruits are difficult to digest and can upset the Doshas.
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