Used Part: Fruit
Tissues: plasma, muscle, bone
Systems: respiratory, digestive, excretory, nervous
Action: toning, anti-aging, expectorant, laxative, antihelminthic, antiseptic, dissolves stones
Indications: cough, sore throat, laryngitis, bronchitis, stones, chronic diarrhea, parasitic infections, eye disease, impotence, cystitis, dysentery, leucorrhea, a chronic fever, during the recovery period.
Terminalia bellirica - a powerful anti-aging agent. It is a tonic for Kapha and lungs, improves voice and vision, promotes hair growth. It has both a strong laxative, and a strong astringent, cleansing the intestines and increasing its tone.
Effective in various types of body's stones and clusters of Kapha in the digestive tract, urinary and respiratory tract; dissolves and removes these formations from the body. Acts as the stomach tonic and astringent, has a warming effect.
Caution: high Vata
It is a part of:
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