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Jyotishmati (Celastrus)

Jyotishmati (Celastrus paniculatus, Celastrus)

Used part: seeds

Tissues: bone marrow, neural tissue

Systems: nervous, circulatory

Action: nootropic - improves memory and concentration; anti-stress - anti-emotional state; antispasmodic - relieves certain types of headaches; tonic, vitamin, antioxidant - prevents premature aging.

Celastrus paniculata - tropical woody vine, which native habitat are India, Sri Lanka and Southeast Asian countries. Celastrus is one of the main tools used in Ayurvedic medicine to stimulate mental activity, as well to improve memory. In the texts of Ayurveda it is described as a first group of plants "useful nutrients for the brain", which are used to enhance cognitive abilities and improve mental health.

Today, the seeds of Ctelastrus have proliferated as a natural antidepressant and nootropic agents to maintain health in periods of increased mental stress. The plant is also used to reduce the psychological dependence during the smoking and alcoholism, as well as in the treatment of certain neurodegenerative disorders.

Another Celastrus proven mechanism of action - it is a neutralizing reactive oxygen species which damage the cell, oxidizing components. Celastrus has powerful antioxidant properties, in consequence of that - protects nerve cells by neutralizing free radicals and reducing lipid peroxidation, which slows down the aging process at the cellular level. The studies demonstrated neuroprotective action of Celastrus - this means that the active ingredients of plant prevent damage of brain neurons due to the action of various pathogens.

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