There are a number of elements needed to fuse and brew a good tea. This multifaceted tea combines all of the aspects of the earth. A delicately balanced blend of 15 herbs, flowers and spices creating an ambrosial tea rich in earthy character that is crowned by ginseng flowers leaving the tea drinker filled with feelings of warmth and passion. Considered as a charm to attract a partner, the ginseng flower is said that the Chinese emperor would pay three times its weight in silver for its blooms. Found in unexpected places this flower loves to grow in the wild where it is difficult to spot until the fall when its bright red berries give it away.
The element of Ginseng Flower is water. Water finds its way. It finds the easiest path. Its patience and persistence, the Yin-elements of water are changing everything in its way. Water is cleansing, water is changing and water is without fear. Winter is like the water element. All sources of life are turning downward and inward. Qi and juices withdraw into the inner realm to concentrate in the seed and root.