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Rose Bay Willow herb tea with blueberry will give pleasure because of its nice berry aroma, and the taste of the drink will be tender, not too sweet. One should taste ROSE BAY WILLOW herb tea with blueberry to decrease the eye tension, strengthen the eye vessels, and also to relax and distract from problems.  Healing features of Blueberry:

-  prevents the formation of atherosclerosis plaques and thrombus in the blood circulatory  system;

-  stops spasms of eye and brain blood vessels;

-  prevents insults, heart attacks and atherosclerosis;

-  increases the elasticity of blood vessels and decreases the penetrability of capillary;

-  decreases the level of cholesterol and normalizes blood coagulability.

Is recommended to use this tea for getting rid of stress and prophylactics of thrombosis. 

Rose Bay Willow herb tea does not contain sugar, preservatives or coloring substances.

Ingredients: Rose Bay Willow herb (fermented and granulated), blueberry.

 Blueberry is the source of vitamins: А, С, В1, B6, and РР. The biggest advantage of this berry is that it contains antioxidants. Blueberry antioxidants are called anthocyanins, which are recommended to prevent cancer. Also, blueberry contains pectin, which cleans the bowel from the slag and metal salts. 

 Regular use of ROSE BAY WILLOW herb tea:

- helps to normalize the functioning of prostate;

- normalizes blood pressur;

- it helps to get rid of slag and toxins;

- it normalizes the functioning of digestive system and decreases tiredness. 

  There should be mentioned that among microelements found in the herb, there is large percentage of iron, copper and manganese. ROSE BAY  WILLOW herb tea contains tannins (up to 25 %), which prevent the spread of pathogenic bacteria: pectin removes toxins from the body; flavonoids improve the penetrability of blood vessels and are responsible for transportation of blood with nutrients through the whole body and vitamins B are necessary for the normal metabolism. ROSE BAY  WILLOW  herb tea contains 6,5 times more Vitamin C  then lemon. 

One of the main advantages of ROSE BAY WILLOW herb tea is that it does not contain caffeine!  

   People who choose ROSE BAY WILLOW herb tea take care of their health and the health of their relatives.  

Manufacturer: Esta Vita, Estonia

Net weight: 50g

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