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Indians have long worshipped Tulsi as a sacred plant. In fact, for thousands of years, Tulsi had been grown for spiritual reasons in the gardens of most Indian homes. Its branches, leaves and fragrance are used by Indians in for purification purposes and to heighten spiritual awareness. Thus, Tulsi is noted for these spiritual attributes, is commonly called “holy basil.”

Also known by the names, “the Queen of Herbs,” “the Incomparable One” and “the Mother Medicine of Nature – Tulsi is also a powerful medicine. Though many herbs are valued highly in India, the stimulating powers of Tulsi were recognized by the ancient healers and sages, giving it a unique status as one of the most sacred herbs in India along with Soma and the Lotus.

The best part of Tulsi is that it is one of the most effective adaptogens (an agent that helps the body adapt more efficiently to stress) ever known. Tulsi reduces the intensity and negative impact of stress caused by:

•    Mental tension

•    Emotional difficulties

•    Poor lifestyle habits


The Original Tulsi - Uniquely soothing, inspiringly fresh and flavorful beverage made with the finest Rama, Krishna and Vana Tulsi leaves expertly blended. The Holy Basil provides relief from stress, enhances stamina and boosts immunity. With its fresh taste and astonishing array of health benefits, The Original Tulsi is, quite simply... perfect.

Stress Relieving & Energizing

Enjoy the benefits of Sacred Tulsi:

•    Reduces Stress

•    Promotes Calmness & Clarity

•    Minimizes cold & flu symptoms

•    Balances Metabolism

•    Strengthens Immunity & Stamina

•    Powerful Adaptogen

•    Natural Immuno-Modulator

Caffeine free!

For maximum health benefits, drink Tulsi daily, as much as you like!

All Organic Ingredients:

Rama Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum)

Krishna Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum)

Vana Tulsi (Ocimum gratissimum)

Manufactured: Organic India

Packing: 25 tea bags

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