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Basma is obtained from the leaves of indigo and used as a natural and hypoallergenic dye. In ancient times basma was used for the treatment and cosmetic purposes - dying hair, eyebrows, eyelashes. Basma itself creates a dark blue-green hue, so the hair dye is used with henna. This natural hair color allows you to create beautiful natural colors - brown, golden-brown and black.

Basma contains many biologically active substances and vitamins, which have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. It eliminates dandruff, improves the structure of hair, stimulates their growth. Therefore basma is also used to treat boils and skin diseases, inflammation of the throat and gums, tonsillitis.

It is not recommended to dye hair with only basma - make sure the mixture with henna. It neutralizes the blue-green hue of basma.

For black hair - mix 2 parts of basma and 1 part of henna.

For chestnut color - 1 part of basma and 1 part of henna.

For the golden-bronze color - 1 part of basma and 2 parts of henna.

For brown color - 1 part of basma and 1 part of henna (keep on hair for short time).

The longer you keep the mixture on the hair, the darker and richer the color will turn out.

Basma and henna can be applied in these proportions separately. Such gradual coloring gives cool shades – a natural light brown, brown and chocolate without red and gold glitter.

Ingredients: 100% powder of basma (Indigofera powder)


Before coloring you should clean and slightly dry hair. Apply the dye with gloves.

Dissolve the required quantity of powder in warm water (60-70 C) and stir until uniform. For deeper and more intense shades of dye it is recommended to brew the mixture for 1-2 hours, then add hot water and stir.

Apply on the hair from the roots.


Colouring time - from 20 minutes to 4 hours.

Country of origin: India

Importer: SIA "Elfarm Herbalshop"

Net weight: 100g

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AS Swedbank HABALV22
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