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Oil for comprehensive hair care, enriched with black cumin.

Black cumin (Black cumin, kalonji, Fennel Flower, Roman coriander, Nigella sativa) - the legendary East plant, which is used as a remedy for many diseases. The history of the healing properties of black cumin oil is rooted in the mists of time. This oil is recommended to prevent hair loss and their greasiness. Also used to restore the color of gray hair

How to use: a small amount of oil, rub massaged into the scalp and spread over the entire length of hair. The amount depends on the length and volume of hair. It is advisable to apply oil before going to bed and leave overnight. In the morning, wash your hair with shampoo. If you feel uncomfortable with the oil on the head, rinse hair after 30-40 minutes after application. The next time you wash your hair, it is desirable to add 2-3 drops of oil in the shampoo. Repeat 2-3 times a week.

Manufacturer: Dabur International Ltd

Net weight: 200 ml

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