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Lyapko Massager SKOROHOD

Applicator SKOROHOD

This is a special applicator. The insole is equipped with restrictive rollers, specially selected by size, which adjust the force of impact and dosing of needle on the sole, thus preventing possible damage.

On foot is located many sensitive points, acting on that can affect almost any organ in the body. By acting on these points, the applicator stimulates the natural ability of the body to heal, it awakens our "internal doctor", improves immunity, normalizes and restores the function of all organs and systems, gives us the fullness of natural sensations, simulating walking and running barefoot, conquers physical inactivity and its consequences.

Applicator SKOROHOD- the healing system, which are not limited by weight, sex and age, it fits all people!

It is used as an aid to

• Diseases of the musculoskeletal system;

• Diseases of the Nervous System

• Respiratory diseases, including of allergic origin

• Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

• Pathology of the digestive system

• Urology

• Skin diseases

• Endocrine diseases

• Removal of abstinence syndrome in alcoholism and tobacco

• Restore vitality, good mood and health

Recommendations for use:

On the insole you can stand, run on one place, can be put in slippers and walk around the house. If you believe that you have no time to stand on the insole, then you just take them to the bathroom, and stand on them, when brushing your teeth. It’s a very pleasant feeling when you come out of the shower and stand with bare feet - Lyapko insole is simply unforgettable feeling, the feeling of tidal lightness.

The exposure time is determined by:

stimulating (tonic) Impact - 5 -7 minutes in the active motor mode (walking, running); standing on the insoles or intensively "laminating" foot with shank.

Calming (sedative) effects - 15 to 30 minutes of smooth, progressive, undulating movements of the foot on the insole, at the initial sitting position in a chair or lying in bed.

Composition: Flexible plate needle, which consist of zinc, copper, iron, nickel, and silver.

The size:

37-40 shoe size

40-43 shoe size

Manufacturer: "Lyapko", Ukraine

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