To achieve the most pronounced effect during procedure you need to perform active movements that cause contraction and relaxation of muscles in the area of pain.
Kuznetsova applicator can be worn for a long time in the place of pain clutching with elastic bandage, belt, towel.
The applicator is applied to the painful area. Then it pushed with hands (within pain tolerance) for 40-60 seconds, then remove applikator.
It is recommended to use the applicator for a long time, affecting the entire surface of the body, providing it a tightly pressed.
The time of application and the number of procedures are not limited.
Manufacturer: Russia
+371 286-688-54 SIA ELFARM HERBALSHOP LV40003936046 Банковские реквизиты: AS Swedbank HABALV22 KONTS: LV66HABA0551017184222 |
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