Unlike other models, there are silver needles in this rug. On the mat there are metal needles made of a special alloy of several metals. In many respects, the healing properties of the applicator are due precisely to the presence of this alloy, which has a positive effect on the human body.
Main characteristics Applicator Lyapko Mat Large 6.2 Ag (size 560 x 290 mm, for the back, osteochondrosis, relieves pain, massage)
• Needle pitch 6.2 mm
• Length 560 mm
• Width 290 mm
• Number of needles 4538 pcs.
Applicator Lyapko rug is a universal massager, which has become popular not only in Russia, but throughout the world, in particular in America, Australia and Western Europe. Today, it has no analogues and is widely used in medical practice of doctors
The applicator needles consist of an alloy of several metals – iron, silver, copper, nickel and zinc. Therefore, there are three types of impact of the rug on the human body:
Massage effect. When interacting with the skin, the needles stimulate the nerve endings, start certain processes in the human body. Also stimulating the nervous system, they increase blood circulation and increase the temperature of that part of the body on which the applicator was applied;
All the metals that make up the needles are present in a certain amount in the human body, they participate in the work of internal organs. Silver takes part in the work of the brain and relieves nervous tension. Zinc has a good effect on metabolic processes in the body. Copper alloy normalizes the work of the head and heart. Iron normalizes the respiratory system, and nickel affects the digestive tract and has an anti-inflammatory effect;
When metal comes into contact with the skin, galvanic current is released. The human body acts as a conductor and the current, together with metal ions penetrates the already enhanced blood flow, and the blood carries these ions throughout the human body.
Application: First 5 minutes of relatively uncomfortable stinging sensation from the effects of the applicator turn into a comfortable feeling with the emergence of a powerful heat pleasant "vibration", tingling. Subsequently, it may be a sense of total relaxation and sleepiness sometimes passing into a healthy, restful sleep.
• applicator exposure time for analgesic, tonic effect, to enhance performance (daytime) and debilitated patients and children - 5-15 minutes;
• To express the analgesic and hypnotic effect (evening) - for 20-25 minutes. Course duration is 1-3 weeks, and sometimes - 2-3 days. Repeated course is possible after 1-3 weeks.
WARNING: After discomfort for 10-15 minutes applicator should be removed and used only after 5-10 hours or the next day, capturing a smaller area. Applicator should cause only a pleasant experience!
It is important that the applicator needles do not harm the skin, but rather have a therapeutic and therapeutic effect.
Color: red, blue, green, orange, blue (Random Sending)
Composition: medical rubber with soldered metal needles.
Storage: in a dry, dark, cool place. Periodically, the mat needs to be washed and dried in a horizontal position.
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