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Satya Myrrh 15g

Myrrh has a smoky, sweet or sometimes bitter smell. The word Myrrh comes from the Arabic word "Murr" meaning bitter. Warm, Spicy, Radiant and Sensual. Myrrh is a classic and ancient fragrance ingredient. It is also an aromatic tree resin and has been throughout history as a perfume, incense and for medicinal purposes. 

Enjoy comforting, subtle, and relaxing fragrances of your choice in the comfort of your home, with incense sticks from our variety. These incense sticks are crafted to burn in an even manner, thereby emitting your favourite fragrance in a smooth course. Make each day a lovely one with these sticks.The Preparation consists of formulation of masala mix using natural extracts in the form of dough concerning the ancient method and is rolled by hand on the bamboo sticks.

Myrrh Incense sticks is widely used for protection, healing, purification and spirituality since ancient Egyptian times.

Satya Incense Sticks:

  • Hand-rolled natural incense

  • Contains 15g of incense (approx 15 sticks)

  • Incense stick burn time 20 - 30 minutes

  • Incense sticks approx 20cm long

  • For best results place in an Incense holder

Manufactured in India

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