This is an excellent meal for picnics, a great snack for drinks and the basis for delicious sandwiches.
Seven reasons for daily servings Flax:
Flax is zero cholesterol and only healthy fats (Omega 3), it's your energy and daily support for the heart, blood vessels and brain
Flax is a working capacity and an excellent tone, it is a good portion of vitamins A, B1 (thiamine or antineurine), B6 (pyridoxine), F and phytosterols
Flax is the daily arrival of vital micro and macro elements
Flax is a lot of fiber, it's cleanliness and order in your body and natural regulation of cholesterol and blood sugar levels
Flax is a high content of natural antioxidants - defenders against aging and tumors
Flaxes do not contain gluten. That's why Flax can replace bread for people with problem intestines and poor gluten tolerance