Pumpkin seeds can reduce hormonal damage the cells of the prostate, and thus reduce the risk of prostate cancer. In China, pumpkin seeds is considered a remedy for depression.
Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of zinc, selenium, iron, vitamin E, lecithin, choline, lutein Cucurbitin, essential amino acids, dietary fibers, essential fatty acids in a balanced natural form.
These substances support the work of the genitourinary, cardiovascular and immune systems, liver and gastrointestinal tract, promote weight loss, improvement of the skin (especially effective for acne). It has long been known anthelmintic and anti-diabetic properties of pumpkin seeds.
Special glory of pumpkin seeds is acquired through zinc. Pumpkin seeds contain almost the same as in oysters (oysters - the richest source of natural zinc).
The role of zinc in the life of the organism is simply invaluable. At deficiency of this mineral new cells, including immune, in the body just is not formed, and the damage is not repaired.
Zinc - the main mineral of men's health and male power. Men requires it 6-8 times more than women. Zinc affects the activity of the sex glands and prostate, normalizes the secretion of testosterone and it’s used for the prevention and treatment of male infertility.
More recently, scientists have made a startling discovery: zinc - a real mineral sobriety! If the human body has enough zinc, its "chances" to become an alcoholic, according to scientists, are significantly reduced.
Zinc helps the pancreas to produce insulin, and is able to balance blood sugar.
Overweight, also, to a certain extent, is associated with zinc deficiency: lack of glucose when it is not converted into energy, and unsightly wrinkles on the sides.
In the case of zinc deficiency there is a violation and oppression of virtually all components of immunity. Along with the B vitamins, zinc is an important regulator of the functions of the nervous system. Zinc deficiency often leads to delayed development and puberty in children, the formation of acne in adolescents, increased cholesterol levels.
Our body can’t produce zinc itself, so this trace element can come only with food. The best source of zinc - pumpkin seeds.
Roasted pumpkin seeds lose most of their therapeutic qualities.
Ingredients: pumpkin seeds
Please note!
All references to the therapeutic properties of the active substances present in the product, were collected and documented by reputable sources and relate to the ingredients, but not to the product itself.
Net weight: 250g
Country of origin: China
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