This unique algae helps to normalizeweight, blood pressureandstrengthen the immune system
Spirulina-algaethat existson earthmore than 500 million years.Containsa powerful combinationof valuablesubstancesfor the human body,all essential amino acidsand is a valuablesource of minerals.
Normalizesintestinal microflora,has antimicrobialeffect, helpslower blood pressure, lowerblood lipidsand cholesterol,restores the activity ofcholinesterase.Blue-greencolor indicatesa high content ofchlorophyll, which is involvedin the formation ofred blood cells andenrichesthe blood with oxygen.
Spirulinahelps to strengthenthe immunesystem andit's a rich sourceof protein.Spirulina contains70%protein,this number alsoincludesall of the essentialamino acids.