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SHILAJIT Planet Ayurveda

Manufacturer:  Sire Ayurveda, India

Package: 60 capsules, 500 mg of pure herbal extract in each capsule, no additives 


Nature's Best Anti-Aging, Youth Restoring Compound

 • Works best for weakness due to any reason

• Nature's best gift to mankind and popularly known as “Fountain of Youth”

 • Effective anti-aging and a powerful rejuvenator of body

• High affinity for free radicals, thereby scavenges on them, halting the ageing process and

restoring youthfulness.

• The best supplement for both men and women for healthy, graceful aging.

Shilajit is one of the best anti-aging natural remedy and useful in a preventing a number of diseases. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that there is no disease in which Shilajit is not effective. Shilajit has therapeutic values. The medicinal properties make it best adaptive, restorative, rejuvenative and 'rasayana' .

Planet Ayurveda Shilajit capsules contain fresh Shilajit extract sourced from Himalayan Mountains and is rich in natural fulvic acid content, which is the major reason for activity of Shilajit. Planet Ayurveda Shilajit contains maximum quantity of active ingredients of Shilajit. Fulvic acid from Shilajit is not an acid but is nature's best anti-oxidant and an alkalizer. Shilajit provides minerals and vitamins- at least 85 micro minerals are found in Shilajit making it best natural supplement for maintenance of health.

Shilajit has no contraindication and is completely safe for consumption.

Ingredients :

Indian Name: Shilajit 

Latin Name: Black bitumen std. ext.

Quantity: 500mg of standartized extract in each capsule

Packaging: 60 capsules in one bottle.


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