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Nutritional supplement.

Natural product is made from 49 herbs, fruits and spices. (Food Additive Reģ.Nr. 5889 - Latvijas Pārtikas centrs)

Chyawanprash stimulates balanced work of all systems in the human body.

The mixture, which looks like a jam, is manufactured using potent Ayurvedic herbs, and is commonly used in India. This herbal tonic, which has a brown color and a sticky consistency, is a combination of sweet, sour and spicy taste.

The combination of all the 49 herbs makes chyawanprash a powerful immune booster tonic. The main ingredient of this herbal rasayana, amla, contains 30 times more vitamin C than oranges. It helps to protect the body from bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. It promotes a healthy respiratory system and is especially beneficial for the healthy functioning of the lungs. It is good for digestion. It balances the stomach acids, and promotes the digestion of food and the absorption of nutrients into the blood. It also provides relief in constipation, reduces flatulence, and relieves nausea and diarrhea. Chyawanprash also helps purify blood, stimulate the liver, and promote the elimination of toxins from the body.This herbal tonic also promotes the healthy functioning of the heart. It is a powerful energizer for the brain and helps enhance concentration and memory.Chyawanprash is an anti-aging herbal tonic and it prevents wrinkles and graying of hair. Its potent antioxidant and rejuvenating herbs delays the aging of cells, provides proper nutrition, and promotes youthfulness and longevity.Besides the above health benefits, chyawanprash also enhances sexual potency.

How to use:

Take it 15-20 minutes before eating, drinking green tea, milk or water. Better to hold in the mouth for 2-3 minutes. Adults - 1-2 teaspoons a day, children - 1/2 teaspoon morning and evening. Preferably at night drink with warm milk. Elderly people recommended 2 courses per year for 2-3 cans on the course. Cancer patients - 8-10 months continuously. Overweight - the Chyawanprash should be combined with gymnastic exercises for 15-20 minutes - morning and evening. In peptic ulcer disease, gastritis with high acidity, Chyawanprash should be taken 40-60 minutes after eating.

Manufacturer: India

Net weight: 500g 

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