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MENOSET is a combination of Black cohosh, Dong quai and Vitex agnus castus

Net content: 60 tablets

Manufactured: Bhargava Phytolab, India

This is a herbal food supplement intended to balance the healthy functioning of female sex hormone.

 Phases of a women life:

- Puberty (Start of Reproductive Life): Puberty is the process of physical changes by which a child's body matures into an adult body capable of sexual reproduction to enable fertilizati

- M e n s t r u a l C y c l e (Reproductive Phase of Life): Menstrual cycle is the cycle of changes that occurs in the uterus and ovary for the purpose of sexual reproduction.

- Menopause (End of Reproductive Life): The menopause marks the time in a woman's life when her menstruation stops and she is no longer fertile.  

What is menstrual cycle?

Menstrual cycle in women is a recurring process in which the lining of the uterus womb is prepared for pregnancy, and if pregnancy does not happen, the lining is shed at menstruation. Several hormones control this cycle, which includes controlling the release of an egg each month from an ovary, and changing the thickness of the uterus lining. These hormones (Follicle stimulating hormone, estrogen, progesterone and luteinizing hormone) are secreted by the ovaries and pituitary gland.

 FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)

The hormone FSH is secreted by the pituitary gland. FSH makes two things happen:

1. It causes an egg to mature in an ovary.

2. It stimulates the ovaries to release the hormone oestrogen.


The hormone oestrogen is secreted by the ovaries. Oestrogen makes two things happen: It stops FSH being produced - so that only one egg matures in a cycle.  

How does Menoset works?

- Vitex agnus castus reduces the menstrual irregularities by regulating the female hormones.

- Black cohosh & Dong quai provides relief in premenstrual and menopausal conditions.

- Black cohosh helps in condition of PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)  

What is the goal of Menoset tablets?

Menoset tablets acts as a balancing herb for female hormones and fertility. It provides all support and care during tough times, the goal of the Menoset tablet is to get out the female from their agony, embarrassment & distress which are developed due to facing off their challenging time silently. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Contains: NO flavor, NO yeast, NO fish, NO gluten, NO wheat

Composition. Each tablet contains extracts of :

Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa)  1.30 mg, 

Dong quai (Angelica sinensis)  5.0 mg 

Vitex agnus castus (Vitex agnus castus) 1.40 mg

Directions: 1 Tablet twice a day.

Restrictions for usage:

If pregnant / nursing a baby or suffering from any chronic medical condition consult your doctor/ physician, prior to using this product

Recommended dosage should not be exceeded. This product is not a substitute for a complete and balanced diet.

*Please note! All references to the properties of the components of this product were collected and documented, the information is taken from authoritative sources and rather for the ingredients than the product itself. Information is not advertising of the product. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.





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