• To perform the procedure, prepare two fito-candles, head coatin, cotton swab sticks, matches, a glass of water, baby cream, cotton wool.
• Lie on your right side, put a small pillow under the head, head cover with cotton cloth with a cut for the ear.
• Make a light massage of the ear with cream.
• Light the upper end of fito-candles, lower (foil) to gently tip the external auditory meatus. Candle should burn down to the level of the foil (label), then extinguish it in a glass of water. (Do not blow out!)
• Clean ear with stick place a cotton wool for 10-15 minutes.
• Repeat the procedure for the right ear.
• Remain fito-candles and remove them to the cup with water and check their contents.
Those who first applies fito-candles to ears, spend first 1-3 sessions sitting on a chair in front of a mirror to make sure of the simplicity and safety of the procedure and not be afraid of a burning candle. On the day of the procedure should not be wet head.
Clause: Ear candling is a complementary therapy and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you are in a doubt about your health please consult your therapist or pharmacist.
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