Herbs and essential oils that make up Vitaon balm have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, regenerative, anti-microbial agents
• anti-inflammatory effect (essential oils, calendula, pine, yarrow, hypericum, camomile, peppermint, celandine, rose hips, thyme)
• promote rapid healing of burns, wounds, fractures, ulcers (pine, chamomile, celandine, wormwood, wild rose, yarrow, calendula, hypericum, thyme, olive oil, soybean oil);
• boost the immune and bactericidal activity (fennel, calendula, caraway seeds, wild rose essential oils);
• have a soothing, antipruritic and sedative effect (chamomile, mint, yarrow, hypericum, olive oil);
• reduced water and fat metabolism of skin cells (fennel, mint, olive oil, essential oils).
Balsam Vitaon delivers to skin cells a balanced set of nutrients, complex natural vitamins (B2, E, A, D, K, P) and trace elements necessary for their recovery, improve the processes of the skin blood circulation, respiration and improves skin regeneration.
Research and numerous customer feedback confirmed the high efficiency of Vitaon in many problems of the skin and mucous membranes. According to research and medical literature herbs and essential oils that are part of balm Vitaon in combination with conventional treatments as an aid in providing good effect:
Dermatology - dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis;
Surgery - burns, wounds, fractures, ulcers;
Proctology - hemorrhoids, proctitis, abscess;
Dentistry - periodontal disease, stomatitis, alveolitis, gingivitis, during the prosthesis;
Pediatrics - diaper rash, prickly heat, daily care of the delicate skin of newborns
and massage;
Obstetrics - treatment and prevention of cracked nipples, lactostasis;
Gynaecology - cervical erosion, candidiasis;
Otolaryngology - in diseases of the upper respiratory tract (rhinitis, sinusitis,
sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, otitis media);
Cosmetology - healing in plastic surgery, protection from fading, skin rejuvenation.
Apply a thin layer on the problem areas of the skin or mucous 2 - 3 times a day. You can use a bandage or a swab dipped with balm.
Manufactured: Litomed, Russia
Packing: 25ml, 50ml
+371 286-688-54 herbals@herbals.lv SIA ELFARM HERBALSHOP LV40003936046 Банковские реквизиты: AS Swedbank HABALV22 KONTS: LV66HABA0551017184222 |
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