Manufacturer: TRS, India
Net weight: 100 g
Kalonji - black cumin (Nigella sativa) - a legendary herb of East. Black, resembling a teardrop, seeds of Kalonji have a warming influence, spicy, sweet and bitter, astringent taste.
Taste and aroma reminiscent of black cumin and pepper and strawberry, and nutmeg simultaneously. Thanks to this aroma, black cumin in France called "quatre epices" (four spices).
For centuries, black seed in the form of seeds, powder and oils are widely used throughout the world (especially in Asia, Africa and the Middle East) in folk medicine as a remedy for diseases such as stomach, heart, respiratory diseases, asthma, bronchitis dysfunction of the liver and kidneys, headache, toothache, colds, nausea and vomiting, and many others.
Methods for using: brewed as a tea, added as a spice to nonsweet sweet dishes.