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Star anise tastes much like a standard anise seed, but slightly more bitter, which is why some chefs use it to provide a licorice flavor for some dishes. Star anise has a sweet, spicy flavor, similar to licorice.  Star anise has a very strong, distinct flavor and should be used in small quantities. Although the flavor of star anise is generally thought of as sweet, it is commonly used in savory dishes. Star anise pairs well with citrus, onions, poultry, beef, cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger.​

Health benefits

  • Star anise is often used as a stimulant, in cough syrups and to aid in the relief of nausea, flatulence and fluid retention. In China, star anise carpels are sucked as breath freshener.

  • Like anise, star anise has carminative, stomachic, stimulant and diuretic properties. In the East it is used to combat colic and rheumatism. It is a common flavouring for medicinal teas, cough mixtures and pastilles.

  • In traditional Chinese medicine, star anise is prescribed as an digestive aid, promoting health of female reproductive organs and for lactating mothers to increase breast-milk secretion. It is used to promote appetite, to treat abdominal pain, digestive disturbances including colic, complaints caused by cold weather such as lumbago, and to relieve flatulence.

  • The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties of star anise is useful in the treatment of asthma, bronchitis and dry cough. For this reason, some cough mixtures contain star anise extract.

  • Star anise, in its natural form, can help the body’s immune system fight off many strains of flu, as well as many other health challenges. Shikimic acid, a compound present in star anise is used for preparing drug for curing influenza or the flu virus. Star anise can also be used as for its sedating properties to ensure a good sleep.

How to Use Star Anise

  • Star anise is mainly used for culinary purposes, especially in Chinese, Indian, Malaysian and Indonesian cuisines, and/or added to alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

  • The star anise plant has decorative purposes too, especially in tropical climates, because of its small, scented flowers and fragrant leaves.

  • Star anise can have medicinal purposes. In traditional Chinese medicine, this spice was known as a stimulant and expectorant that helps relieve flatulence and increase libido. Star anise's seeds can also help aid digestion when you chew on them,14 and using star anise in tea can help alleviate certain diseases.

Star Anise Tea

  • Boil your water and pour it into a teapot.

  • Add two star anise seed pods for each cup of water, then allow it to seep for up to 15 minutes.

  • Strain the tea into a cup and add some raw honey, stevia or Luo Han to taste.

  • Drink after each meal if you are trying to deal with a digestive problem or a cough.

Manufacturer: Heera, India

Packing: 50g

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