Components in the black mustard seed include glycoside (sinigrin) and an enzyme (myrosin); on contact with water, these two components interact and create mustard seed oil. The seeds also contain up to 37 percent fixed oils as well as proteins and mucilage.
Black mustard is sometimes recommended as an herbal remedy to:
Encourage perspiration: Black mustard can be used in the same way as ginger or cayenne pepper to stimulate the skin and promote emesis (sweating). Black mustard seeds ground up and steeped into a tea can be added to bath water to help dilate blood vessels in the skin, which may reduce fever.
Improve digestion: Black mustard is a warming food that actually improves the digestion of foods with which it is served, in addition to providing a spicy flavor.
Open the lungs and sinuses: Inhaling mustard eases breathing and helps opens the lungs. Because Black mustard is antibacterial and antifungal, it is especially good for lung infections such as pneumonia and fungal infections. Black mustard mixes may be inhaled to clear sinuses.
Treat rheumatoid arthritis: Black mustard may help because of its ability to improve circulation and reduce inflammation.
Heal the skin: Black mustard seed oil is a counter-irritant. When it is applied externally to inflamed skin, it dilates the blood vessels and improves circulation. Black mustard may help speed the healing of an inflamed area by allowing the body to carry off toxins more effectively. It has been recommended as an herbal remedy for chilblains, skin irritation caused by excessive cold temperatures.
Drain excess fluids: Black mustard seeds are a diuretic.
Homeopathy: Black mustard is sometimes used in homeopathic treatments for upper respiratory and gastro-intestinal conditions.
Indian medicine: In India, black mustard tea is served to improve bronchitis, fever, or cold misery, as well as muscular and skeletal pain. Black mustard is also used in India to treat hemorrhoids. Powdered black mustard seeds are mixed with goat milk or fresh yogurt and applied to the affected area.
Manufacturer: P&B Foods Ltd, Indija
Net weight: 100g
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