Ealichi Cardamoms are commonly known as “Green cardamom or choti elaichi” in India, which are a small seed pod of spindle shape but triangular in cross section and has green colored outer shell with black colored seeds inside. Green cardamom has a strong unique taste with an intensely aromatic and resinous fragrance. Green cardamoms are extensively used in preparing various Indian cuisines. Cardamom flavor enhances both Sweet and savory dishes. In India, cardamom is used in flavoring desserts such as ice cream (kulfi), rice and different meat dishes. It is also used in tea which gives the tea a characteristic scented taste,
while in Arab countries it is use to flavor the coffee. In the Middle East, green cardamom powder is used as a spice for sweet dishes as well as traditional flavoring in coffee and tea. Cardamom pods are ground together with coffee beans to produce a powdered mixture of the two, which is boiled with water to make coffee. In Europe green cardamom is used in preparing many kinds of special breads and pastries. Green Cardamoms are used as flavoring for food, drinks and desserts recipes. In South Asia, green cardamom is often used in traditional Indian sweets and in Masala chai (spiced tea). Black cardamom is sometimes used in Garam Masala for curries.
How to use?
Whole pods of cardamom can be added during cooking, but to release the intense flavor one should first give them a quick bash with a rolling pin to expose the seeds and then add to the dishes. If whole pods is used then it can either be discarded after cooking or left in for decoration only (they are not edible). When a recipe requires just the cardamom seeds, slit the pod lengthways with a small sharp knife to release the seeds
Manufacturer: TRS, India
Net weight: 50g.