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Manufacturer: TRS, India

Net weight: 50g

Contains 50g of Granada mace blades.

• Similar to strong cinnamon in flavour.

• Add to sweet and savoury cooking.

Javentry or Javitri Mace is the dried, reddish covering of the nutmeg seed. It has a finer aroma than nutmeg but is equally distinct in taste and is used to flavour lasagnas, soups, cakes etc.  It is rich in fibre and protein and can be used whole or ground to add colour and flavour to a dish. It is often used in the Ayurvedic tradition to treat flatulence and aid digestion. The other benefits mentioned below make it a vital culinary ingredient.

Health benefits

• It is considered good for join pains and muscular problems

• Mace contains essential minerals like copper, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, zinc etc

• It is considered a great stimulator for the brain, helping relieve mental stress and exhaustion

• It is an important component in cold and cough remedies

• Due to its antiseptic properties, it is used in toothpastes

• It is believed to aid digestion and improve blood circulation


You can add a few pieces of mace to any curry dish to strengthen the flavour. Mace has a flavoursome hotness, similar to a strong cinnamon and quite peppery.


• Due to its delicate flavour, mace is widely used in light dishes like broth, soups, mashed potatoes and rice preparations.

• It gives a light orange hue to the recipes and can be used in cooking sauces, curries, pickles and ketchup.

• Due to its warm subtle flavour, similar to that of pepper and cinnamon, it can also be used in brewing tea or masala milk. 

• Mace is predominantly used in sweet dishes like pies, milk custards, puddings, fruit dishes, biscuits, muffins, cakes and breads.

How To Make Pumpkin Pie Spice

Makes 2 1/3 tablespoons


1 tablespoon ground cinnamon

2 teaspoons ground ginger

1/2 teaspoon allspice

1/2 teaspoon ground cloves

1/2 teaspoon ground mace

1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg

Equipment: Measuring spoons, bowl, whisk, or spoon


1.    Measure: Measure out all ingredients in the order listed (to ensure you don't double up or leave one out) into a small bowl.

2.    Mix: Whisk or stir to combine. Store in an airtight container for up to 1 year.

Sweet Spiced Nuts - recipe


1 large egg white

2/3 cup sugar

Kosher salt

1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice blend

1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

3 cups assorted mixed nuts

2 dashes Worcestershire sauce


Preheat the oven to 275. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.

Whisk the egg white with 1 tablespoon water in a large bowl until frothy. In a small bowl, combine the sugar, 1 1/2 teaspoons salt, the spice blend and cayenne pepper. Toss the nuts in the egg white mixture, then stir in the sugar-spice mixture and Worcestershire sauce.

Spoon the nuts onto the prepared baking sheet in small clusters and bake until golden, 30 to 35 minutes. Cool completely, then break into pieces.


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