Nestled amidst the snow capped Himalayas, a land of mists and valleys, between 600m to 2000m above sea level. The hill slopes are covered by tea bushes. Darjeeling Tea is cherished the world over for its exquisite bouquet and unique muscatel flavour. Indeed, this exclusive tea is held in such high esteem that it is referred to as the “Champagne of Teas!” Neatly packaged in Golden foil pouch, heat sealed and placed in artistically designed Metal caddy.
Tea once a rare and precious commodity reserved exclusively for the privileged, is now enjoyed the world over. Can be taken without milk or cream. Try adding honey or sweetener to taste.
Baikhovi tea means "flower" in Chinese it’s loose leaf tea, made by drying (green) or an additional fermentation (black and other teas). Baikhovi teas are called so because this tea is harvested at the stage when buds are starting to blossom. Thanks to it, this tea gets incomparable taste and aroma.
Manufactured: Premiers Tea, India
Net weight: 100g
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