Ready to use classic red color henna paste for mehendi sealed in foil cone. Paste in a tube ready for use. Just take it and enjoy it!
Drawings of natural henna can be orange, reddish or brown. However, the exact tone depends on the place of drawing, drying time and individual skin reactions.
After drying and removal of the paste from the skin, the drawing is pale orange. Over the next 48 hours, it will darken and eventually become reddish brown. Preferably in the first 12 hours of drawing to avoid contact with water. On average, henna can hold from 3-7 days on the chest or back up to 1-3 weeks on the hands or feet. After that traces of henna disappear.
Henna is applied to a clean, washed with soap skin without any cream or lotion. For better result, you need to defat the skin, you can wipe alcohol the place you are going to make a drawing,
• Remove the protective cap from the cone. Try to squeeze the paste from the cone first on the paper. It is necessary to ensure that the paste coming out of the cone and the uniform line was not too thin or thick.
• Henna paint starts immediately, so if you make a mistake or irregularly held the line, you should immediately delete unnecessary. Excess paint immediately removed from the skin with a damp cotton swab.
• If you are a not big professional, you can first draw a preliminary sketch on the skin, water-based felt-tip pen. This will help you put on top of henna faster and error free. Subtle patterns can draw the little toothpick dipped it into a paste.
• After applying the pattern the skin should be well dry for at least an hour, preferably 6-8 hours. The slower the paste dries and longer contact with the skin, the brighter and more durable will be drawing. You can wrap a dried up drawing with plastic wrap and secure. Another way to fix - sprinkle pattern hairspray strong hold, does not contain alcohol, or hair gel in a spray.
• After drying the need to carefully remove the residue with a dry cloth and wipe drawing a cotton swab dipped in lemon juice.
Manfacturer: INDIAN HENNA, India
Net weight: 30 g
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