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Miswak Natural Toothbrush + Holder -30%

Miswak (miswak) - 100% natural brush with holder for cleaning teeth, disinfection, strengthen teeth and gums, removing plaque.

Miswak is made of branches and tree roots of Arak (Salvadora persica).

Miswak is better than many toothpastes and brushes because:

• doesn’t require toothpaste

• doesn’t require water

• one brush is enough for two months

Ideal for travel and everyday use!

• refreshes the mouth;

• eliminates bad breath;

• strengthens the teeth and gums;

• miswak removes a plaque

• excellent means of preventing caries, you can use it for both adults and children's teeth;

• sticks contain tannin, which reduces gum bleeding and inflammation

• whitens teeth

эко щетка для зубов Мисвак

How to use:

Take a stick and gently get rid of bark - about 2 cm. The bark of miswak is soft and pure,  it can be easily cleaned by hand or teeth.

You need to slightly flatten sticks to the teeth several times to separate the fibers and make it into a brush.

Now you can proceed directly to the brushing. Do this about the same time as with a toothbrush.

Manufacturer: Ahuda Impex, Pakistan

Packing: 150mm

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