Chemical compound of shungit is:
Carbon - 20 - 95 %,
Silicon - 5 - 60,
Aluminium - up to 4 %,
Iron of-3,5 %,
Magnesium - up to 3,5 %,
Kaliy - up to 12 %,
Sulfur - up to 1,2 %,
Calcium up to 0,58 %,
Phosphorus - up to 0,34 %, and many other macroelements and microelements.
The scientists that have investigated Shungit rock have declared unanimously, that it is a miracle mineral! This stone eliminates and absorbs all that imposes a hazard on people, and living beings, but concentrates and restores all that are healthy for a human being. Shungit pyramid is a revolutionary shielding device for harmful electromagnetic radiation from computers, microwave ovens, TV sets, mobile phones and other creations of modern civilization.
Peter I has based the well-known first Russian resort named Marsial waters. Resort water gets curative properties, passing through thickness of Shungite crust layers. The Shungit water helps to struggle with various illnesses: the general condition improves, nervous pressure is removed, and the inflow of energy is sensed. It is easier to obtain a steady remission of some chronic diseases of gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, and metabolic processes. With the help of the Shungit water skin diseases are cured much more easily and water sprinkling of the head decreases falling out of the hair. Hair is resilient and healthy looking. Face skin rejuvenates, wrinkles smooth down and skin elasticity restores.
But the most important thing for us, people, living under constant stress, strain and unfavorable ecological conditions is regeneration characteristics of the Shungit, which restore vitality in the human. They relieve headaches, backaches, rheumatism, remove neuralgic states, normalize sleep, stabilize blood pressure, clear respiratory tract, increase activity, including the sexual one.
Shungite rinse several times. Cover with water at the rate of 3 liters per 150 grams. Infuse 3 days. Flush shungite 1 time every 2 weeks. Use water for drinking, cooking, tea, coffee. Term of use - 8 months.
Manufacturer: INVIT, Russia
Net weight: 150g, 500g
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