Flint - it is the oldest useful minerals. Flint water combines the flavor and freshness of spring melt water.
Any filters have a limited duration. And a piece of flint is not limited by time.
What is it - the flint water? The infusion based on flint, which is used internally and externally.
Preparation procedure of flint water:
To 3 liter capacity, preferably glass, add 25 g of flint pebbles (contents of the package) and put it in a place protected from direct sunlight. Water for drinking will be ready in 7 days. Ready water pour into another container. It's recommended to discard precipitate. It is recommended to drink on an empty stomach in the morning with 150-200 g of water.
If you can't, then at least 3-5 times a day, half a cup, and always in small sips, and preferably in a cool way.
After a single use double stone must be washed with cold water and keeped for 2 hours in the fresh air to ventilate.
Flint - the perfect cosmetic.
In contact with water flint changes its properties. Activated flint water cleanses the skin from pustular formations. This is very useful to wash with this water, to rinse mouth after eating, to wash your hair. Water strengthens the immune system and it's a member of various medicinal and cosmetic preparations. Specialists have found that flint-based products are very useful for hair, skin and nails.
If you drink water or cook on activated flint water:
• strengthening the immune system,
• a help for the flow of bile;
• rapid healing of burns, cuts, bruises, venous ulcers;
• it helps with indigestion, relieves inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract and gastritis;
• reduction of blood sugar levels, as well as weight, prone to overweight diabetics;
• reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood, especially in obesity prevention - atherosclerosis and improves kidney function;
• normalizes the condition of patients suffering from hypertension;
• normalizes metabolism;
• increases the overall tone.
Packed: Russia
Net weight: 10g, 50g
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