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Aromas in our life

Author: Volkov V.

Book Fragrances in our life

Smells surround us everywhere, but not everyone knows how important role they play in our lives. The ancient sages realized that the smell is a subtle manifestation of material nature, it has enormous power: it can cheer and soothe, lift the mood and give love, heal and protect from negative influences. So why not use these amazing possibilities of this subtle energy for yourself?

Aromatherapy - a natural, drugless therapy method about the use of odors - was formed over thousands of years and proved to be effective. It is available, virtually non-contraindicated essential oils and incense will help you find harmony in all spheres of life, give you health and love.

ISBN: 978-5-4236-0112-6

Publisher: Диля

Year of Publication: 2013

Number of Pages: 128

Format: 84 * 108/32

Cover soft

Russian language

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