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Encyclopedia of Buddhism

Author: Neapolitansky S.М.

Encyclopedia of Buddhism

The book highlights the main philosophical, psychological and metaphysical concepts of Buddhism, describes its canonical positions, schools and currents, sacred and philosophical books, cult practices, and brief biographical information about the most notable figures of the Dharma Doctrine. The text of the encyclopedia includes more than 1000 drawings and iconographic images, many of which are illustrations to ancient writings and treatises. These unique images depict buddhas, arhats, bodhisattvas, idamas and other deities of the Buddhist pantheon, faces of saints and Buddhist teachers, as well as chakras, mudras, mandalas and other symbols of the teachings.

ISBN: 978-5-00053-327-7

Publisher: Amrita-Rus

Year of Publication: 2015

Number of Pages: 768

Format: 60 * 90/16

Cover binding

Russian language

Weight (kg): 0.87

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