This book contains more than 3000 mantric formulas used in the Vedic and Tantric traditions. The methods of selection mantras, spheres of their influence and principles of their application are described in detail. The science of mantras is based on the study of the effects of sounds and vibrations emanating through various spheres of the universe from the Cosmic Mind. Concentration on these vibrations leads to a connection with the corresponding manifestations of the superconscious.
Mantra yoga is the alchemy of sound, leading to penetration into higher planes of being and giving transfiguration, happiness and peace. This book, which is a detailed study of mantras from existing in Western languages, will help many seekers to penetrate into sacral science and secret practices of ancient mystical traditions and influential high schools of the East.
ISBN: 978-5-87383-027-4
Publisher: Svyatoslav
Year of Publication: 2012
Number of Pages: 512
Format: 60х90 / 16
Cover binding
Russian language
Weight (kg): 0.67
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