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Encyclopaedia of the mudras

Author: Neapolitan S.M.

Encyclopedia of the mudras. Sacred gestures and secret practices of the initiates

Special static and dynamic gestures and hand positions, defined in Sanskrit as mudras. They have a beneficial effect on energy information fields, contribute to the purification of thin energy channels, improve memory, concentration, enhance intelligence, and have a transformative effect on the entire human life. Any random gesture, movement, and thought have a spontaneous effect on the neuroendocrine system, immune functions and subconscious processes.

But with the help of the mudras, you can deliberately and plan to launch mechanisms for restoring the body, healing and rejuvenation. Mudras have been used for centuries in various esoteric schools and religious traditions as tools for changing consciousness. Sacred gestures became part of many mysteries; Through them, using the non-verbal code, conveys the hidden information from the uninitiated and creates a space for the manifestation of the Supreme Consciousness.

ISBN: 5-87383-033-9

Publisher: Institute of Metaphysics

Year of publication: 2006

Number of pages: 304

Format: 60x88 / 16

Cover Binding

Russian language

Weight (kg.): 0.28

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