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Neem & Turmeric soap Himalaya

Himalaya Neem & Turmeric protecting  soap

Manufacturer: Himalaya Healthcare, India

Net content: 75g

Action: Enriched with oils of Neem that protects skin due to its antibacterialactivities; Lemon that refreshes and protects skin due to itsantiseptic activities, and Turmeric nourishes, improves complexion andits antiseptic activities protects skin.

Indications: Soap for regular use in individuals with all types skin.

Ingredients Include:

- Azadirachta indica (Neem, Nimba)

- Citrus limon (Lemon, Nimbu)

- Curcuma longa ( Turmeric, Haridra)                                                                                                                      

 Use Directions: Wet the body and face, apply generously and rinse.


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Himalaya Drug
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