The best base oil for oily skin, as well as for skin with acne. Perfectly fits for oily skin, and easily penetrates the pores. Smoothes and tightens the skin. Has a good ability to absorb and spread in the skin. Has a softening and regenerating effect. Can be used in rosacea. Quickly absorbed by the skin, leaving no greasy residue.
• for oily and combination skin;
• soothes the skin after sunburn;
• recommended for the skin around the eyes, lips and bust;
• dilated vessels.
Manufacturer: VERNOIL, Francija.
Net weight: 250 ml
+371 286-688-54 SIA ELFARM HERBALSHOP LV40003936046 Банковские реквизиты: AS Swedbank HABALV22 KONTS: LV66HABA0551017184222 |
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