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BIO oil, evening primrose (Oenothera biennis)

Evening Primrose is a wild plant that blooms with yellow flowers. The natural habitat of this plant is North and South America. Evening primrose flowers bloom in the evening and the next day they closing their flowers. The roots of this plant, its flowers, fruits and seeds are used for centuries for medicinal purposes. Leaves and bark of evening primrose considered a powerful anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory agent, which have astringent and soothing properties. But the most important active ingredient in evening primrose is considered gamma-linolenic acid, which in large quantities found in the seeds of this plant. The seeds is used for making oil which is one of the most commonly used herbals in the world.

Beneficial effects of evening primrose oil

Today, millions of people around the world use the beneficial effects of evening primrose oil. The composition contains evening primrose oil and 14% gamma-linolenic acid, which is one of the most valuable fatty acids, which can be found only in the borage seed oil, blackcurrant seed and hemp seeds. Due to this valuable fatty acids, evening primrose oil can help in the case of premenstrual syndrome, fibrotic chest pain, eczema, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and can favorably affect the health of women during pregnancy and menopause.

Premenstrual Syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome is associated with excessive or improper development of prostaglandins in the body. Supplementation with gamma-linolenic acid can help to balance development of prostaglandins and thereby reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome - headache, depressed mood, irritability, bloating, pain and breast tenderness.

Skin health

One of the most effective ways to reduce the symptoms of eczema is considered food fortification with gamma-linolenic acid or oils containing gamma-linolenic acid, including evening primrose oil. In addition, gamma-linolenic acid contributes to the process of moisturizing the skin and helps protect it from the adverse effects of the environment.


Many studies have shown that gamma-linolenic acid can help relieve joint pain that were caused by rheumatoid arthritis, swelling and morning stiffness.

Against aging

Particularly deficiency in gamma-linolenic acid begins to manifest with age, it’s reduced because the metabolic activity, as well as body more polluted by trans fatty acids and various chemical additives, which interfere with the synthesis of gamma-linolenic acid and its absorption by the body. The use of evening primrose oil can refill gamma-linolenic acid in the body and thus restore the "youth" of the body, it will help improve skin, hair and nails, as well as overall health.

Evening primrose oil for skin care

Evening primrose oil is a common ingredient of skin care products because it has soothing, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Especially recommended for dry, inflamed and cracked skin, you can also take care of the skin with the problem of acne and age spots.

Recommendations for use

Before using evening primrose oil it’s advisable to consult with your doctor. The recommended daily dose can vary depending on the purpose for which oil is used.

For general health promotion - recommended daily dose is one teaspoon.

This oil can also be used during pregnancy and lactation, but before it is always advisable to consult a doctor. Normally the use of evening primrose oil does not cause side effects, but rarely, it can cause nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea. To prevent these symptoms, evening primrose oil is recommended to be taken with food or milk.

Country of origin: Germany

Manufacturer: Oil Tree SIA, Latvia

Net weight: 100ml


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