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Manufacturer: VERNOIL, France.

Net weight: 250 ml


This amazing oil is extracted from raw almonds. It owes its benefits to the generous amounts of monounsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, potassium, proteins, zinc, and a number of other vitamins and minerals it contains. Almond oil had been used extensively for its health benefits and as a beauty aid much before science caught up with the goodness of this seed oil. Very popular in Southeast Asia and in the Mediterranean region where the Almond tree was first domesticated, the almond kernels and the nutty oil extracted from them were credited with promoting heart and skin health.

Almond Oil Benefits:

1. Regulates Cholesterol. One of the most widely known benefits of almond oil is its ability to regulate cholesterol. Regular consumption of almond oil raises HDL cholesterol (known as “good” cholesterol), lowers LDL (“bad” cholesterol) and generally lowers overall cholesterol levels naturally.

Between the high unsaturated fat content (which is already really good for your cholesterol levels) and vitamin E, almond oil allows oxygen and nutrients to flow freely through your blood, meaning that your heart will thank you for gifting it with almond oil.

2. Reduces Risk of Heart Disease. Not only can you expect better cholesterol levels with almond oil as a regular part of your diet, but you can also look forward to a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease. Heart disease, like high cholesterol and many other conditions, is often caused by chronic inflammation. Real foods with antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties, therefore, generally reduce your risk for many common health conditions.

If you are already at risk for coronary heart disease, I highly recommend adding regular almond oil consumption to your diet. This, in conjunction with eating good sulfur-containing superfoods (such as eggs or kale) and getting good omega-3 fatty acids, should help you to reduce inflammation in your body and keep your heart healthy.

3. Protects Against Diabetes. Diabetes occurs when your blood sugar becomes elevated due to your pancreas or cells being unable to produce insulin properly. Almonds and almond oil have been proven to both help regulate blood sugar levels and even prevent diabetes!


  • Includes lots of vitamins including A, B and E.

  • It is a rich source of magnesium.

  • Helps boost your immune system.

  • A great emollient so can help with itching and inflammation.

  • It is a natural sunscreen and can help with sunburn.

  • Can provide instant relief from muscle pain.

  • It is especially good for dry, sensitive skin and helpful for eczema and psoriasis.

  • This oil helps balance the moisture in your skin.....so is a wonderful natural moisturiser suitable for all skin types.

  • It is easily absorbed, helps improve your complexion and gives you that 'youthful glow'!

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