Indian dates are widespread in folk medicine. It is used as an antifungal and antibacterial agent. Ibuprofen in combination with tamarind has an effective effect on the body. Tamarind is a part of a special decoction, which is recommended to gargle with angina. If this fruit is used in parallel with liquor, then the effect of alcohol is weakened.
Tamarind improves heart health, improves blood vessels, lowers cholesterol levels, prevents the development of stomach ulcers, and is also used to treat this disease. Tamarind has an anti-inflammatory effect in various fever states, helps restore the body after paralysis, after a sunstroke.
Indian dates are used to normalize the appetite, improve the digestive system, reduce gas production. With the help of tamarind for a long time treated such conditions as constipation, diarrhea. Indian dates are a natural laxative, but to date scientists can not explain the biochemical mechanism of this property.
In the pulp of tamarind, there is a lot of thiamine. This is a very important vitamin, which the body needs in order for the digestive system to function properly, the musculoskeletal system, so that the nerve impulses are normally transmitted in the body. There is a lot of potassium in the tamarind, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart muscle and smooth muscles. The Indian date is rich in iron, which takes part with the process of supplying each cell of the human body with oxygen.
There are also in the Indian date GLA (hydroxyl ammoniac acid). Because of her, this fruit has a sour taste. The chemical composition of hydroxyl ammonium acid is very similar to that of citric acid.
Manufacturer: T.A.S Brand, Vara Food & Drink, Thailand
Packing: 310 ml
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