Last one bounds cholesterol in easily withdrawn from the body shape, rather than letting it settle on the walls of blood vessels; it stimulates the general exchange of fat by activating their way out of the fat depots, because of what it was called "fat burner."
Chlorophyll - activating the metabolic processes in cells and rejuvenates the tissue, stimulates recovery (regeneration). This explains the wound-healing properties when it is applied externally.
Carotenoids have antihistamines (allergy) activity, stimulate metabolism in the liver and heart muscle. Carotene participates in the retina of the eye and the body needs it as a growth factor. It is actively involved in oxidation-reduction reactions in cells.
Carotene is able to "store" the oxygen in the case of oxygen deficiency and partially compensate the poor oxygen supply (including in atherosclerosis).
Tocopherols - effectively protect the body from the effects of chemical and physical factors that provoke the development of tumors, possessing potent antioxidant and antimutagennym actions, prevent the natural aging of the organism, supporting reproductive function and contractility of the muscles.
Milk thistle oil is an oily yellowish-green liquid with a specific smell and taste.
The main component of this medicine complex - polyunsaturated fatty acids: linoleic (61-62%), oleic acid (21-22%), stearic (3.5-4%), arachidic (about 2%), palmitic (about 9%), behenic (1-1.5%).
The main difference should be attributed to the presence in the fatty acid composition of 2% arachidic acid and 1.3% of behenic acid.
Milk thistle oil has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect. An effective hepatoprotector. It prevents absorption of toxic compounds entering the body together with water and food. Oil from the seeds of milk thistle protects the body from problems caused by chemicals, it has against ulcer effect and promotes healing of ulcers. Effective treatment for wounds, burns (including solar), diaper rash skin.
Milk thistle oil increases self protecting ability of the body, strengthens the immune system.
Indications for use of milk thistle oil:
- Cirrhosis.
- Hepatitis, diseases that are connected with alcohol’s effect on liver.
- Peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
- Heartburn, acute and chronic gastritis.
- Holetsistoholangit, biliary dyskinesia.
- Stomatitis.
-Damage Skin burns (chemical, thermal), non-healing wounds.
Milktistle oil extra virgin >>>>
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